Sunday, October 28, 2007

What an Awesome way to Recycle Plastic Bags! You won't believe it!

You have to check this out! This person makes bags (reusable) out of Plastic Bags and has a link to an Etsy store that makes designer types wallets and handbags out of this process using plastic bags. My words can not do just, just go check them out for yourself! I am definitely going to try this one! AWESOME! The only thing I can say, as well as, GREEN!!!!

Recycle Plastic Bags, the Fashionable (really!) Way!


Cynthia said...

That is so clever!!! I am totally trying this...I don't know what to make???

Melanie said...

I am going to definitely try this as well! It is such an exciting find! I believe I will try to make a pillow, handbag of some kind, change purse and brainstorm some new ideas. I took the above ideas from the article's link to someone's etsy shop!

Posh Mama said...

I LOVE this article! Great find Mama! :)

ThriftyMommy said...

I've seen these on other websites. They're so cool! I wish I knew how to crochet.