Thursday, May 21, 2020

Very cool to try: Prime Book Box for Kids!

My daughter LOVES to read!  I am going to be looking into this!  Has anyone ever tried Prime Book Box?  If you have...comment and let me know how you like it!  I definitely want to know!

Thank you all!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Fun Toys for Staying at Home

During this time...I have been searching for unique ideas for staying home with the kids.

I like toys and such that entertains and gets the kids outside and moving!

I love these amazon suggestions:

This one idea is my favorite for younger children!
I think even my older children would love this!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Make your own Mask Supplies

Here are some products I have located to help you make your mask at home.

Elastic!  This has been hard for me even to find! Excited to find this and love the color black for the elastic.

Here is a great video I found on YouTube with instructions on how to make a Mask!
DIY Mask Instructions

Roblox Hatching Eggs without Robux in Adopt Me Game Gaming

Saturday, May 9, 2020

SPENDING my ROBUX in Adopt Me on Roblox