Friday, June 27, 2008

Found a great new unsuspecting online store that sells Apple iPods!

I randomly found a great new online store that I didn't know existed. Goodwill Too. I have always been a fan of (as you see in my favorite sites list); however, didn't know they had this site as well. They are both Goodwill (R) stores; however, operate differently. operates on an auction format (love it and use it) and Goodwill Too! operates on a "buy it now" with a flat shipping rate of $7.99 for everything. Goodwill Too! also offers not only used items but brand new items as well! Many of the items seem very very fair priced to me. Check out the "iPod" below to get a look at what they offer on the Apple iPod products! I will be checking this site regularly and see what items they will carry in the future.

Save $$$ on iPods & more at Goodwill Too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the head's up! I've bookmarked it to check out later.