Sunday, November 2, 2008

I love CVS's online Refill Rx Center!

I had to refill a prescription yesterday. (I have done this before but thought I would share how easy it is, in the event someone out there is nervous to use it.)

At (once you have filled a prescription) you can register and go online in your account and "refill" your prescriptions. It is awesome. You just use the information off the prescription you are refilling and follow directions typing it in. Once you have done will show that it was received and "in-process." You also get to choose the time you want to pick it up! I put 5pm yesterday but didn't make I went this morning when they opened..and it was ready! I love the "no waiting" of online refilling! Also, you don't even have to go IN...just use their "drive-thru" pharmacy! Hardly gets easier than that!

CVS Rocks!

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