Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: My Niece at two weeks old!

This past Saturday, we went to see my sister's baby (aka: My Niece).
She turned two weeks on that day! Very proud Aunt here!
Man, I had forgotten how TINY newborns are. Awwww...soo cute and tiny.
She is over 7 lbs here, not sure of the ounces.
And Wow...what a head of hair on that kid!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


Write From Karen said...

Wow! She does have a full head of hair! I just love it when infants pull their feet up their chest like that, so cute. Can you imagine us doing that today? LOL

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! How sweet!

tx sweetie said...

wow very cute.i can kiss this newborn hmm muahhh..i missed my once newborn baby.she is now 3 months old today.


Check out mine too!

1 minute faces

Dana said...

OMG - sooo cute.. My niece is almost 7 monts old.. Teasure the time, it flies!!!

Happy WW