Saturday, April 26, 2008

Before and After Shots: My New Kitchen Floor!

I love my new kitchen floor! Below are before and after shots of the same area of the kitchen floor. The first set (directly below this typing) is actually during and after...the other two sets are the way the floor used to be and now!

My son enjoys the new flooring as well! Beautiful Ain't it? I love it!


Tidbits Of Tammy said...

Your floor is gorgeous! Is it the new laminate that you can mop like the other vinyl kitchen floor?

Melanie said...

Thank you Tammy! I am excited...the other floor was a nightmare to clean (I had never had a floor like the one I had before, it was terrible). Nah, this is Bruce Hardwood Flooring, 3/4 inch in Butterscotch...I believe is how they called it. They sell it in the flooring section in Lowe's Home Improvement. It is going to be a dream to clean. We have hardwoods already in the dining room and hallway and they are so easy to clean...and this matches it. Naturally it being new...shines much brighter than the old! :-) I'm okay with that!

Thank you again! I don't do many things like this, so this was a huge treat...I think I will call it an Early Mother's Day, and Birthday Gift! :-) Both in May!

Lacy said...

I love it. It really looks great. Did you guys do it yourselves?

Melanie said...

Hi Lacy! Thank you! Nah, we didn't DIY this one. We didn't trust ourself and glad we didn't. The guy that did the took him a day and half to do it. If it had of been us...would have been a week or more. Yikes..he had to remove the vinyl and some kind of flaky board below it that took forever. He had to remove thousands of by one. I was glad to pay for this one! :-)

ThriftyMommy said...

Your floor looks great! We're doing some home improvement projects too. It's exciting to see the finished product.

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful! It makes a world of difference. Your son looks so happy!

Small Town Frugal Mommy said...

Wow! Looks great! My husband and I are looking into doing this to our kitchen as well...was it expensive?

Melanie said...

Small Town Frugal Mom:
I think it was a reasonable price...we planned how we were going to get the floor and here is what we did. We waited for Lowe's Home Improvemet to run one of their 12 months no interest/no payment on the card deals. Now we pay a monthly payment that we set for ourselves in order to have it paid off before the end of the 12 months...and if that doesn't work, we have it timed perfectly to fall before we get our next Tax Refund next year and that will pay it off. If we weren't disciplined...I wouldn't dare use a card for anything...and rarely do we, but we really wanted a new floor.
To answer the was $2,500 with parts and labor total. One year installation guarantee and all that. You could save about $500-$600 on labor if you hired someone else and shopped around, but we needed the deal that Lowe's was running in order to get the floor now.