Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bought One Pack of Diapers!

I know...odd post title.

I am proud to say we started to make a move early in order to be ready for second child in March. We bought One Pack of Size Newborn Diapers. I remember that being the ONLY size we did not have with my son. We will probably buy a pack each week in different sizes up until the baby is born. This least we'll have diapers! :-) I am excited to finally make a purchase.

The 20 week ultrasound...I chose to have at 21 weeks on November 11th! I will share if it is a boy or girl at that point. I'll be happy, of course, with either...but kinda think it would be nice to have a girl because we already have a boy. One of each! If it is a boy...that will be great also as my son with have a little brother to grow up with. Either way...we are talking "win win!"

Have a terrific rest of the week!

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