I had a budget that I wanted to spend at the Zoo with my son and Mom! It was $120.00. I know...maybe a lot..but I wanted all three of us to have fun and not be too restricted. I planned for the food and snacks to be around $40.00 total...we came in at $22.00 (that is for all three of us). We had a cool day but not cold. We stayed for four hours so I think we did awesome and this was all we needed to spend and we ate what we wanted. I planned for souvenirs (aka: toys for my son) to be around $40 also in the event it was expensive. I came in at $14.00 for that which is awesome. He picked out a little farm playset that turns into a box that stores the animals that came with it. He chose Rock Candy Suckers and donated a Dollar to the Wildlife fund and got an Owl Button. He also wanted to ride on one of those 50 cents things outside the store and 51 cents for turning a penny into a polar bear keepsake. Not bad and everyone was happy! My Mom enjoyed the day out with her daughter (me) and grandson (my son). :-) We paid $33.00 for entrance and that included two tickets for extras for each of us. We used our combined six tickets for three carosel rides for my son and a 4-D movie for all of us. A great day and under budget! One can't beat that!
So the total day mentioned above came out to $69.00! $51.00 under budget! You have to love that! It is priceless of course to spend time with my mother and son!
This is week #2 of Fall Break...and so far the plan is enjoying being at home!
Nice planning! I forgot how wonderful and afordable a trip to the zoo can be. It also seems like your child sounds like a really level one who doesn't crave every toy he sees. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
Well...my son does want everything he sees but is always pleased with getting "one item"...we have to work hard for that "one item" to be first of all "useful" and secondly "not expensive." We don't like to buy junk if at all possible. I'd rather spend a few dollars extra for something that will last to the next child or at least something that won't break easy...than the reverse.
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