My daughter is now 5 weeks old. I stopped nursing, etc...last week. I admire mothers who can nurse longer and more frequently than myself. It is what is best for the baby, as well as, a huge money saver in two ways (that I can think of): #1) obviously...not having to buy formula and bottles, etc... #2) overall health of the baby...staying out of the doctor's office for illness (at least I feel like it personal opinion)
With all that I am...looking for ways to save on Formula. We are using Similac Advance. I have signed up for their "StrongMoms" program and receive the checks and coupons by mail. I would like to know if there are any printable coupons out there in internetland for Similac when I am in between receiving my "StrongMoms" coupons. We buy from BJ's and get a case of the Ready to Feed for $40.00 a case.
If anyone out there has any other tips on the way you save on Formula (particularly Similac brand)...please drop me a comment or two in the Comment Jar below! Thank you!
If you have any other advice on formula feeding or share...others enjoy reading and may need the advice as well! :-)
Have a great day!
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