Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Life Returning to Normal....Tuesday Toot!

I am going to make this my "Tuesday Toot!"

Just wanted to send out an update that life after a layoff (husband's) is finally returning to some sort of "normalcy!"

My husband, as explained in an earlier post, was laid off and within two weeks found another job (we are thankful)! This is his fourth week at the new place and he is doing well already. He seems to like his new job also and I am glad about that. It is one thing to have a job and it is another to LIKE your job.

After having two weeks off for the Holidays, I returned to work Yesterday (Monday)! It was a nice day back...so no complaints!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Thank you Linda! I appreciate your comment and compliment! Please do come back continually!